Premium Discord Bots for All Your Needs

Award Bot Info

Award Bot is a bot that lets you create Medals, Ribbons, and any other type of reward or server certification you wish.

The bot has a few simple commands you can use.

Here are a list of commands.

!createaward [name] [imageURL] Create a new award with a name and image URL (requires AwardAdmin role).

!issueaward [userID] [awardID] Issue an award to a user by their user ID and the award ID (requires AwardAdmin role)

!viewallawards View all awards in the current server.

!viewmyawards View your own awards in the current server.

!deleteaward [awardID] Deletes an award from the database (requires AwardAdmin role).

!removeaward [userID] [awardID] Removes an award from a user (requires AwardAdmin role).




That is the basics of it all, this bot is very good for any MilSim, or any other server that wants to issue awards.

Purchase Bot Here For The Low Price Of $5 Per Month