Premium Discord Bots for All Your Needs
Award Bot is a bot that lets you create Medals, Ribbons, and any other type of reward or server certification you wish.
The bot has a few simple commands you can use.
Here are a list of commands.
!createaward [name] [imageURL] Create a new award with a name and image URL (requires AwardAdmin role).
!issueaward [userID] [awardID] Issue an award to a user by their user ID and the award ID (requires AwardAdmin role)
!viewallawards View all awards in the current server.
!viewmyawards View your own awards in the current server.
!deleteaward [awardID] Deletes an award from the database (requires AwardAdmin role).
!removeaward [userID] [awardID] Removes an award from a user (requires AwardAdmin role).
That is the basics of it all, this bot is very good for any MilSim, or any other server that wants to issue awards.